
Denim Mouse


A stylish, fun cat toy that is sure to stir up your feline’s wild instincts.

  • Plush cat toy
  • Polyester fabric
Denim Mouse

Litterbox.com Denim Mouse is so cute, it’s more accessory than cat toy! Sure, your cat will enjoy biting and batting this plush toy around the house. But you’ll love the black whiskers and washed denim look, complete with frayed mouse ears and feet. Cats enjoy plush toys much the same way children do—as security objects that they can cling to, beat up as necessary, or both! Now you can provide your cat the security toy he is looking for. Note: This toy is not made from real denim.

Denim Mouse Details
Cat Review Background Image Cat Review Background Image Mobile
The humans think this mouse is maddeningly cute. But behind those beady little eyes, I see a future menace biding its time. I must watch and wait, for the safety of my family.
- Delilah 5.11.2020


  • Polyester

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  • Does this toy have catnip?

    No, this is not a catnip toy.
  • Is this toy machine washable?

    We do not recommend washing this toy in the machine. Instead, spot clean with a damp washcloth as needed.