
Eco Mice


These eco-friendly mice make for a feel-good “purrchase.”

  • Linen
  • 3-pack

Eco Mice

Litterbox.com Eco Mice are made from eco-friendly linen material and feature sleek, Korean silk tails. Best of all, your cat will never tire of batting around this 3-pack of mice toys. What makes this toy eco-friendly? Linen is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant. Flax grows naturally and requires no additional water other than rainwater, plus requires very little energy to process. This is one toy you can feel good about!

Eco Mice Details
Cat Review Background Image Cat Review Background Image Mobile
I don’t know why my humom was so happy to give me these mice, but I’m sure glad she did. The way they glint in the light and bounce off my paw… my hunting has never been so on point!
- Rascal 8.2.2019


  • Linen
  • Non-woven fabric
  • Cotton
  • Korean silk

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  • Does this toy have catnip?

    No, this is not a catnip toy.
  • Is this toy machine washable?

    We do not recommend washing this toy in the machine. Instead, spot clean with a damp washcloth as needed.